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Something strange is going on in Brooklyn. A giant bread creature is poised to attack the city, aliens are living next door, a bear turns up missing, felt critters are walking & talking, and old people start hooking up on the internets. Maybe there's something funny in the water.

The Pratt Institute's Media Arts Department proudly presents the Traditional Animation thesis films of the graduating class of 2007, as well as selected shorts. Students will be in attendance for a Q&A to talk about their stop motion, 2-D computer animation, and hand-drawn films.

Free and open to the public, May 4th & 5th, 7pm at the Two Boots Pioneer Theater


We are a group of animators that attend Pratt Institute, located in Brooklyn, New York. Here is our archives of sketches, photos, and animations.


[ Alisa ] [ Jess ] [ Katie ]
[ Lee ] [ Lena ] [ Nny ]
[ Pam ] [ Steph ]
[ Emmett ] [ Javan ]
[ Maurice ] [ Kat ]
[ Manny ] [ Kris ] [ Isam]
[ Dav-odd ] [ Misha ] [ Jess ]
[ Tony ] [ George ]

Pratt Animation
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[ Fran Krause ]
[ Pat Smith ]
[ Lisa Crafts ]
[ Naree Song ]
[ Andy London ]

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Keyframe layout design by Steph. Coded by Jen. Concept and domain secured by Lee. Powered by Blogger.

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All My Heroes Have Day-Jobs
Badge 80x15
Cartoon Brew
Animation Meat
John K
Seward Street
Animate Clay
Stephen Silver
Channel Frederator

Monday, February 26, 2007

make your own downshoot!

do you like to test your frames often?
or do you need instant gratifaction to satisfy your ADD or ADHD?
would you like to be able to multiply your animating/testing locations?
well i do. and thus i made my own custom home/portable-ish downshoot

it took me about an hour and a half, it cost me $0 because i used scraps at the woodshop and i had the clamps
i did it with the clamps because of the lack-of-space factor/i dont like extraneous material factor, and because i can hook the camera up to my computer and using istop motion see what it looks like immediately

mine, however is made specifically for my digital camera which is about the size of the cigarette box, which held there with a rubber band for sturdiness when pressing the shutter button...i put the camera face down in front of it...if i had another digi cam i would show you but you probably get it (the hole is for when the lens comes out of my camera and since there is a large cut out i can move it...duh)

if this seems like something you could use or want email me at danmountain@gmail.com and lemme know ill help you/make it for you/give you plans whatever its super easy


Blogger Unknown said...

"Tune in again next week for 'This Old Animation House', hosted by Dan Mountain!"

4:46 PM

Blogger Dan Mountain said...

yes! next week we are going to make a wooden television! that way you can watch your animations on your own WOODEN TELEVISION

8:32 PM

Blogger Javan said...

i iwant to be part of the live studio audience

1:35 AM


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