In case you missed it
The meeting this afternoon went well! Here is a recap:
- Meet in frount of the lower ARC at 7 p.m. sharp on Wednesday with all of your things packed and ready to go to Ottawa. We will leave without you.
- Passport or birth certificate and valid ID are required to get on the buss and more importantly get into Canada. So don't forget them.
- Rolling luggage is recommended but anything that can hold the follow will do:
toothbrush / toothpaste
2 pairs of comfortable shoes ( one of them being waterproof )
extra pair of Socks
Umbrella / waterproof jacket
clothing that can be put on in layers.
- Bring a sketchbook
- bring business cards / resume' / dvd reels ( you never know who you are going to meet )
- Small throw blanket and small pillow
- Camera & extra batteries
- Money - ATM card and or credit cards to get canadian money out of their machines
- Snacks for the bus ride ( no nuts, fruit, veggies) all liquids should have caps ( no cans)
- check out the Festival Website and look at the screenings and plan on which ones you want to go to.
If I have forgotten anything else that we discussed please add it by commenting to this post. thanks guys!
And earplugs! So you can sleep on the bus!
Great checklist.
10:21 AM
In less than 24 hours we'll be on the train heading for the bus going to Ottawa!!!
7:18 PM
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