I have snazzy news guys!
As you know, G-50 is seriously depressing. It's so dreary and makes me want to cry (and no one wants to see a sad Nny). I know we've been discussing it for awhile, that we wanted to decorate it and shiznit and make it more 'homelike'.
So Sophomore Jess and I went to Hankie Hank and asked him if we can paint our beloved G50! He said....YES (though he had this expression on his face like, "omfg what am i getting myself into"...but that was because i was rejoicing really loud, running down the hallway, even Bob popped out to see if I was sick in the head or not). So anyway, Hank said all we gotta do is show Fran what color we want (but since Fran, you read this blog...you can help us, or yell at us, or whatever).
I suggest we only paint the door, and the lightbox wood. Lee came up with this good idea, to add lil shelves ontop of the light boxes. Because you know how everything slides off the slippery lightboxes and gets all bitchylike when you're trying to work...
Suggestions? Colors?

I say, bright red
1:12 PM
As long as it reacts to black light, I'm cool with it. Seriously, that is awesome!! Posters have also been mentioned... I think we definitely need to get some posters of some awesome animated films and such.
4:48 PM
teal! aquamarine! YES
8:39 PM
something soft and cool. periwinkle blue? Ooh! nursery wallpaper! Bwahaha Or better yet, the wallpaper they have at the pediatrist that they installed in the early 80's with cookie monster sitting on alphabet blocks and grover with a goofy helmet and cape. elmo is absent as he wasn't invented at the time of printing. what was the question again?
11:23 PM
This is a great idea. I really can't think of a color scheme that I wouldn't approve of, but... you're all creative. Let me know what you come up with. The shelves are a good idea. Beige is boring.
7:59 AM
you guys are all giving like...different colors. how the heck do we decide?!?!
personally, i like green.
2:57 PM
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