BYOC (Bring Your Own Cheese) Wallace & Gromit Party
The movie was so awesome Friday night I want to have a Wallace & Gromit party where we can watch the original shorts and eat cheese and drink tea and stuff. I dunno when… maybe in two weekends? Anybody interested?
sounds nice and cheesey..
12:27 AM
Awesome. I'm bringing Havarti. Steph should bring that crazy soy cheez.
1:21 AM
sounds like a plan!
10:24 AM
Awesome. So is that weekend good? I think I'd like to have it in my room since it's a lot homier than the lounge and we'll have the kitchen. Hmm, how is Saturday (the 22nd)... around 4. That's tea-time-ish, right? I've got the Swiss, mmm.
12:03 PM
i'm totally interested...anything with cheese!
5:58 PM
...It says it's cheese on the label.
Great, it'll be after midterms. :D
6:40 PM
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