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Something strange is going on in Brooklyn. A giant bread creature is poised to attack the city, aliens are living next door, a bear turns up missing, felt critters are walking & talking, and old people start hooking up on the internets. Maybe there's something funny in the water.

The Pratt Institute's Media Arts Department proudly presents the Traditional Animation thesis films of the graduating class of 2007, as well as selected shorts. Students will be in attendance for a Q&A to talk about their stop motion, 2-D computer animation, and hand-drawn films.

Free and open to the public, May 4th & 5th, 7pm at the Two Boots Pioneer Theater


We are a group of animators that attend Pratt Institute, located in Brooklyn, New York. Here is our archives of sketches, photos, and animations.


[ Alisa ] [ Jess ] [ Katie ]
[ Lee ] [ Lena ] [ Nny ]
[ Pam ] [ Steph ]
[ Emmett ] [ Javan ]
[ Maurice ] [ Kat ]
[ Manny ] [ Kris ] [ Isam]
[ Dav-odd ] [ Misha ] [ Jess ]
[ Tony ] [ George ]

Pratt Animation
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[Faculty Blog]

[ Fran Krause ]
[ Pat Smith ]
[ Lisa Crafts ]
[ Naree Song ]
[ Andy London ]

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January 2007
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August 2007


Keyframe layout design by Steph. Coded by Jen. Concept and domain secured by Lee. Powered by Blogger.

   click them

All My Heroes Have Day-Jobs
Badge 80x15
Cartoon Brew
Animation Meat
John K
Seward Street
Animate Clay
Stephen Silver
Channel Frederator

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Tickets 4 U

Okay, so Hank has mentioned that Media Arts could buy Ottawa passes for Media Arts students. Cool, huh? I think we could get the passes ahead of time, so you all wouldn't have to deal with waiting to be reimbursed. Only problem, we have no idea how many people are going. Show of hands. Who's planning on making the trip?

Toonfuse Podcast: Episode 13

Lee and Tony lay down some funky remarks about this weekends Animation Block Party.

Go download Episode 13 of the Toonfuse Podcast.

Subscribe for free in iTunes today.

Call us 888-810-6906
or email us hey@toonfuse.com

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


This might seem too early, but in a mere two months, many of you will be stumbling onto a redeye bus to Canada. Start trying to find your passports NOW. Get that stuff together. I think at this point the sophomores and juniors will have a little more warning. I tend to mention the festival in class, oh, every once in a while.


Here's the info I sent out last year, I think most is still valid, though the bus is probably more expensive because of gas prices. I think a few of you will have things to add this time around...


Hello Everyone,
I know you're probably all out in lounge chairs, drinking margaritas out of hollowed-out pineapples and such, but I must remind you about some important animation stuff.
The Ottawa International Animation Festival is coming up! That thing I'm always talking about! Hooray! It's the biggest animation festival in North America. Five days of watching great cartoons, meeting animators and students from all over the world, and eating Canadian breakfasts. You should all go. I am serious - do not miss out on this. You will regret it forever and ever. You can skip my class. Heck, I won't even be there. Also, Hank mentioned something about helping students pay for their passes. Pretty cool.
I only have emails for the folks in my Spring '05 classes on me right now, so please forward this on to other animators.

GET YOUR PASSPORT NOW! If you are at home, make sure you bring your passport back to school with you. I remember being able to get into Canada with a driver's license. Those days are gone. You will need either your passport OR a driver's license AND your birth certificate. A passport would be ideal. You're going to be driving up to the border, late at night, with a carload of arty-looking kids. Bring your passports. Do not attempt to bring anything questionable over the border.
If, by some strange coincedence, you happen to see another carload of friends in line in front of you, do not start honking and waving. They will pull you aside and search both cars. They will search very slowly. It will take forever. Trust me.

How to get there:
You can carpool with friends. The drive up to Ottawa is about seven and a half hours, according to Mapquest. If you go with four or five friends in a car, it's the cheapest way to get there. Bring books on tape. If you have a car and empty seats, email me. I will try to organize a carpool.
You can also fly to Ottawa. Last I checked, tickets were about 300 bucks or so.
If you are a masochist, you can take the bus. Greyhound takes 12 hours and costs $39 each way, if you buy your tickets a week in advance. You can take a bus that leaves New York at midnight and gets to Ottawa at eleven the next day.

Where to stay:
The center of the festival is at the National Arts Center, or NAC. It's at 53 Elgin Street. Here is a map: http://tinyurl.com/dyf96 . Try to stay as close as possible to this place. All other events are located within walking distance to this.
You have two options without sleeping in your car. You can spend about 20 bucks a night and stay at a hostel. They're very cheap but kind of noisy and not too much privacy. You can also spend 75-125 for a single and 125-175 for a double and split it with three or four people. I would reccomend this. You're only spending ten or twenty bucks more a night - and you get towels!
Look on www.orbitz.com or www.hotels.com or something like that. You can search by proximity to the festival.
Here are two hostels:
http://www.ottawahostel.com/ - a hostel. 20 bucks a night. five minute walk to the festival center.
http://www.hihostels.ca/hostels/Ontario/OntarioEast/OttawaInternationalHostel/Hostels/ - another hostel. 22 Canadian bucks a night, located in an old jail. Very close to the festival. Many animation students will be there.

How to get tickets:
http://www.awn.com/ottawa/ is the official site. Get an "Animapass" at the student rate. $175 Canadian dollars to get into every screening. You can get tickets individually, but this can be a hassle. I reccomend the pass.

EMAIL ME if you have any questions.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Pixar Zoetrope

If you Missed The 3D Zoetrope from Pixar's exhibition at the NYC MoMA earlier this year fear not my friends. Victor Navone, a Pixar animator, as posted a looped quicktime on his server.

Check it out by Clicking Here!

Monday, July 17, 2006

ToonFuse Podcast: Episode 12

Tony and Lee are right back at you with the latest cartoon new that you have chosen.

Listen to this weeks toonfuse podcast to find out how many Gumby cartoons were made.

Find out now by Downloading Episode 12 right now!

or subscribe in iTunes by looking up "toonfuse" in the podcast directory

Let us know what you think about the toonfuse podcast, call tool free at 888-810-6906 or email us at hey@toonfuse.com

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Summer Animation Internship for Plenty Magazine

Position: Summer Animation Internship for Plenty Magazine

Project: Create several short 2D animated clips on global warming.

Pay depends on experience.

PLENTY is a new magazine for hip, green living that offers an
irreverent look at the issues of the day. It combines articles on
cutting edge technology with innovative ideas on design and fashion
that will allow us to live and work in a more healthy and sustainable

Contact: Mark Spellun, mark@plentymag.com.

The student will be animating the polar bears in essence. We will help
write the script. The student can also try their hand in it, but it
will not be expected.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Toonfuse Podcast: Episode 11

Hot this week on the Toonfuse podcast

Lee and Tony, conquer the most controversial Hot Button Issue ever....

find ot what it is by Downloading Episode 11 now!

or subscribe in iTunes by looking up "toonfuse" in the podcast directory.

Let us know what you think about the toonfuse podcast, call tool free at 888-810-6906 or email us at hey@toonfuse.com

Friday, July 07, 2006

Animation Block Party

Click here for more information

Who would be interested in going to one of the screenings?

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Introducing, FredEX.

What is it?

An EXperiment.

Frederator Studios is looking for Animators to be a part of a never before attempted Animation Collaboration. We are compiling a list of who would be interested in partaking in this glorious experiment.

Details to follow. If you are interested please email:


Do it yourself cartoon kit

ffuunnaay. It was posted on The Cartoon Brew today but I thought I'd post it for all us pratties. enjoy.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

so cute

so cute it hurts