

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Something strange is going on in Brooklyn. A giant bread creature is poised to attack the city, aliens are living next door, a bear turns up missing, felt critters are walking & talking, and old people start hooking up on the internets. Maybe there's something funny in the water.

The Pratt Institute's Media Arts Department proudly presents the Traditional Animation thesis films of the graduating class of 2007, as well as selected shorts. Students will be in attendance for a Q&A to talk about their stop motion, 2-D computer animation, and hand-drawn films.

Free and open to the public, May 4th & 5th, 7pm at the Two Boots Pioneer Theater


We are a group of animators that attend Pratt Institute, located in Brooklyn, New York. Here is our archives of sketches, photos, and animations.


[ Alisa ] [ Jess ] [ Katie ]
[ Lee ] [ Lena ] [ Nny ]
[ Pam ] [ Steph ]
[ Emmett ] [ Javan ]
[ Maurice ] [ Kat ]
[ Manny ] [ Kris ] [ Isam]
[ Dav-odd ] [ Misha ] [ Jess ]
[ Tony ] [ George ]

Pratt Animation
   pratt faculty

[Faculty Blog]

[ Fran Krause ]
[ Pat Smith ]
[ Lisa Crafts ]
[ Naree Song ]
[ Andy London ]

Media Arts
   Lab forum

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007


Keyframe layout design by Steph. Coded by Jen. Concept and domain secured by Lee. Powered by Blogger.

   click them

All My Heroes Have Day-Jobs
Badge 80x15
Cartoon Brew
Animation Meat
John K
Seward Street
Animate Clay
Stephen Silver
Channel Frederator

Friday, April 28, 2006

You can all stay at my Parents' House

Look what I found! I'm psyched! Hometown International Action! I love my Portland.


Tales of How

How freakin' sick is this. Oh lordy. Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous.

Tales of How by the Black Heart Gang.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


A bunch of us are animating in G-50 today at 8:00PM. All are welcome to join us, yo.

Bring food, something to drink, and like....stuff to watch. Bring your homework too.

But most importantly, food. Because I'm hungry.

Animation for big kids at Film Forum

I just got this email from Lisa Crafts:

Dear Friends,

I wanted to let you know about an unusual and fascinating program of animation that will screen
at Film Forum • May 10 - 23.

"Cartoons: No Laughing Matter?" is a collection of 8 graphically diverse and emotionally charged films
that will include my film, THE FLOODED PLAYGROUND.

This program is NOT for children.

To find out more, visit the "coming soon" section at Film Forum's website:
Get tickets online at: www.filmforum.org.

Animators Suzan Pitt, Lisa Crafts, George Griffin, Andy & Carolyn London, and Debra Solomon
in person for Q&A after the 8 pm show, Wednesday, May 10.

best wishes,
Lisa Crafts

if you want your money back...

Good Morning Jess,

I still have a stack of receipts from members of the animation club that need to be reimbursed. I need the student ID numbers, mailing addresses, and copies of credit card statements showing the purchases for these individuals. For some of your members I have some of the information but not all. With only two weeks of school left your members are running out of time if they would like to be reimbursed for their expenses. This is in regard to greyhound tickets from earlier this year.

These are the members in which I need information. Please have them come in to see me as soon as possible.

Lena Green

Alisa Stern

Kathleen Cropaer

Javan Ivey

Pamela Fischer

Jessica Plummer

Lee Rubenstein

Thor Alvarez

Thank You
Jeremy Polk

Office of Student Activities

Lower Level, Main Building

(718) 636-3679

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Links... check them out...

Hey guys, I threw down some links on the left margin.
Go check them out.
If you want me to add anymore, comment to this post and I will put them up soon.

-Lee Ruby


be there or be square.. RSVP to this post or the invite on facebook.. wooaaahhhh

Monday, April 24, 2006

Anyone goin'?

Dear Media Arts majors,

This is a reminder that tomorrow at noon in room G-2 we have a exclusive
Media Arts presentation with the artist William Wegman
in room G-2. Seating is limited and Media Arts students will be given

Next Monday night at 7:30 in room G-2 we will have the 3rd annual Junior /
Sophomore Film / Animation Show.

Next Wednesday at the Brooklyn Academy of Music we will have the second
annual Senior Film / Animation Festival.
There will be an afternoon screening and an evening screening. Reservations
for the evening screening can be made after 1 PM next Monday , May 1st by
calling the office here : 718 636 3633.

Hank Linhart

- - -

Meh, I kinda wanted to go to the Tribeca Film Festival that evening. X_x

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Hi everybody, this is not animation news.

Hi everybody, this is not animation news, but news related to a Key-Frame member. Emmett is currently in the hospital recovering from appendicitis surgery, and he has requested that anybody who has a class with him if they could please pass along any assignment information. He hopes to be back at school on Monday. Thanks from Emmett’s family.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


I'm bored and need something to look at.

So...comment with your FAVORITE-ISTISTISTIST link(s)/website(s) (animation related, durr). So I can stare at it...and then put it on the side of the blog.

Monday, April 17, 2006

junior /sophomore show on may 1 at 7:30 in G-2

Hello Everybody,
There's going to be a Junion/Sophomore show soon, so please get DV tapes to Hank ASAP. He wants things by Wednesday...

Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Next Disney CGfest - "Meet the Robinsons"

What do ya think?

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Student Films for Krok Festival

I just got this email from Signe Baumane - she does a lot of programming for festivals, so it would be good for her to see your films. She's probably put my last film in ten different screenings at least...

If you have or know of
any exciting USA student films
made from April 2004 till 2006
please send a DVD or VHS along to me -
I am gathering films for Krok animation festival 2006
the tapes have to reach me before April 28

mail them to :
Signe Baumane
165 William street 2nd floor
New York NY
ph.: 212 577 0383

please, mark inside the package that it is for KROK
(otherwise I'll eat it for dinner...)

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Truth is stranger than fiction...

...or something like that.


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Deputy Droopy

This the Droopy cartoon that Fran is always talking about.

Let it load and enjoy. Rinse and repeat if necessary.