

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Something strange is going on in Brooklyn. A giant bread creature is poised to attack the city, aliens are living next door, a bear turns up missing, felt critters are walking & talking, and old people start hooking up on the internets. Maybe there's something funny in the water.

The Pratt Institute's Media Arts Department proudly presents the Traditional Animation thesis films of the graduating class of 2007, as well as selected shorts. Students will be in attendance for a Q&A to talk about their stop motion, 2-D computer animation, and hand-drawn films.

Free and open to the public, May 4th & 5th, 7pm at the Two Boots Pioneer Theater


We are a group of animators that attend Pratt Institute, located in Brooklyn, New York. Here is our archives of sketches, photos, and animations.


[ Alisa ] [ Jess ] [ Katie ]
[ Lee ] [ Lena ] [ Nny ]
[ Pam ] [ Steph ]
[ Emmett ] [ Javan ]
[ Maurice ] [ Kat ]
[ Manny ] [ Kris ] [ Isam]
[ Dav-odd ] [ Misha ] [ Jess ]
[ Tony ] [ George ]

Pratt Animation
   pratt faculty

[Faculty Blog]

[ Fran Krause ]
[ Pat Smith ]
[ Lisa Crafts ]
[ Naree Song ]
[ Andy London ]

Media Arts
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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


September 2005
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November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
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April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007


Keyframe layout design by Steph. Coded by Jen. Concept and domain secured by Lee. Powered by Blogger.

   click them

All My Heroes Have Day-Jobs
Badge 80x15
Cartoon Brew
Animation Meat
John K
Seward Street
Animate Clay
Stephen Silver
Channel Frederator

Friday, March 31, 2006


"Get ready to hurl."

"With billboards and bus posters for ICE AGE 2 (opening today), THE WILD (4/14) and OVER THE HEDGE (5/19) plastering the city, I'm reminded that this could be the yeof Hollywood's rude awakening (re: computer animated features). Hey, I'm an optimist. I don't want these films to fail. My hope is for animators to remain employed, to make great movies. But then I see something like THIS.

Hollywood will get what what it deserves. And it can't come too soon for me."

- Jerry Beck

If anyone is going to hit the nail right on the head it would be Jerry Beck over at Cartoon Brew if you haven't been looking at the brew, you don't know what your missing.

mmm... good brew.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


SPECIAL EVENT - The Tribeca Film Festival in New York,
April 25-May 7, will be hosting "ANIMATED NEW YORK",
a special program of Independent films from New York City
animators. This program has been curated by the two-time
Oscar-nominated animator Bill Plympton, with the hopes that
New York City will gain greater recognition as a world center
of independent animation.

Included in the program will be the following films:
1. "Puppet" Patrick Smith
2. "Backbrace" - Andy and Carolyn London
3. "Dentist" - Signe Baumane
4. "Bathtime in Clarekenwell" - Alex Budovsky
5. "Underbelly: Coffee" – Ugly Pictures
6. "She She She’s a Bombshell" – Ben Levin
7. "Sex Life of Robots" - Mike Sullivan
8. "Sita" - Nina Paley
9. "Roof Sex" – PES
10. "Soccer Time" - Edmond Hawkins
11. "Santa Goes South" – Peter Wallach
12. "Bar Fight" - Christy Karacas and Stephen Warbrick
13. "Guide Dog" - Bill Plympton
14. "Life in Transition" - John R. Dilworth


Monday, May 1, 9:00 pm,
Museum of Jewish Heritage
36 Battery Place (Next to Piers at Battery Park) New York, NY 10038

Wednesday, May 3, 12:30 pm,
AMC Village VII
66 Third Avenue (at 11th Street) New York, NY 10003

Thursday, May 4, 1:00 pm,
AMC 34th Street
312 W. 34th Street New York, NY 10001

Sunday, May 7, 10:15 am,
AMC 68th Street
1998 Broadway (at 68th Street) New York, NY 10023

For more information, please visit:
Tribeca Film Festival

Friday, March 24, 2006


This is Emmett Goodman.

And I am seeking help in working with a Bolex film camera, or any other film camera that the equiptment office holds. I am intending to shoot my final stop-motion assignment (for Bob Lyons' class) on actual film instead of digitally. Call it a personal artistic need. I figure the blog would be the quickest way to do this. I know that this is not what we usually use it for.
Bob has offered to show me how to work with these cameras, but I need to buy the actual film, and I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. Because this a big first for me, I will definitely need to shoot my first celluoid with someone guiding me through it. I need to start this the week we return from Spring Break.
So if anybody reading this can help me, or knows someone who might be able to help, please respond. I will be very grateful for any help I can get.

I hope everyone is enjoying their spring break. I look forward to seeing everyone when we get back.


Saturday, March 18, 2006


The judging for the indepedent shorts in the ASIFA East festival is this Wednesday... anyone sticking around here wanna go? It starts at 6:30 at SVA. I dont know how long it takes to get there.. maybe we could leave at 5:30?

Friday, March 17, 2006

woo spring break

Yay. Hope everyone's break is off to a good start. I was just sitting in my room and I had a craving for ice cream, so I thought that maybe it would be cool to walk to Cold Stone later and get some. Anyone game? Maybe around 8 or 9... there's a pretty good place on Myrtle too, so I'd settle for that even. Woo.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Art School Movie

Someone made a movie about Art School. It looks funking hilarious.

Art School Confidential

Saturday, March 11, 2006

boring no more


Friday, March 10, 2006


at the annual shareholder meeting:

"Iger later fielded a question from a shareholder who asked if 2D would be employed for Disney’s Rapunzel: Unbraided, which is being directed by master traditional animator Glen Keane (supervising animator on Beauty and the Beast, Tarzan, and Treasure Planet). According to Iger, the film will be made with a revolutionary process, which Kean helped develop, that will allow the animators to draw by hand and have their drawings translated to computer models. Iger also prattled off the cliché line about technology taking a back seat to good storytelling, but drew a round of applause by adding, “If we find that we have great characters and stories and believable worlds, and that it can be depicted in 2D animation, that’s also fine with us. It's an art from that's eternal in many respects and shouldn't be ignored.”

Fans of traditional animation click here


Come play kick Ball today, at 4:15 pm on the lawn in front of Engineering building. See ya there.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

See Your Cartoons Tonight!

I made a DVD of the Animation II class project, and handed it to ASIFA along with that great sand animation Maurice made, so hopefully they're screening tonight at the ASIFA show. Check it out!

ASIFA-East Animation Festival - Judging Nights

Start time is 6:30 PM

Please arrive promptly at 6:30 in order to sign in to vote.

Tuesday March 7th - Student - 3rd Floor Amphitheater
Thursday March 9th - Commercials/Promos - 3rd Floor Amphitheater
Wednesday March 15th - Sponsored Films (over 2 min.) - 5th Floor (Room 502)
Wednesday March 22nd - Independent - 5th Floor (Room 502)

-All are welcome to the judging nights but only paid up members are eligible to vote.
-Old members may renew and new members may join up at the judging nights (cash or check).
-New members must wait until the following day to vote (fair is fair).

209 East 23rd Street
(btwn 2nd & 3rd Ave)

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Morph Project

Fran was nice enough to compile and color in the animation for us. Thanks Fran, it looks great

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I LIKE paint.

what up ponies, Nny and I plan on painting G50 the first saturday of spring break (the 18th) early in the AM, around 10. All are welcome, so wear your favorite painting pants from freshman year and HOP TO IT!

-I believe the color that was somewhat agreed upon was green/lime-ish right?