

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Something strange is going on in Brooklyn. A giant bread creature is poised to attack the city, aliens are living next door, a bear turns up missing, felt critters are walking & talking, and old people start hooking up on the internets. Maybe there's something funny in the water.

The Pratt Institute's Media Arts Department proudly presents the Traditional Animation thesis films of the graduating class of 2007, as well as selected shorts. Students will be in attendance for a Q&A to talk about their stop motion, 2-D computer animation, and hand-drawn films.

Free and open to the public, May 4th & 5th, 7pm at the Two Boots Pioneer Theater


We are a group of animators that attend Pratt Institute, located in Brooklyn, New York. Here is our archives of sketches, photos, and animations.


[ Alisa ] [ Jess ] [ Katie ]
[ Lee ] [ Lena ] [ Nny ]
[ Pam ] [ Steph ]
[ Emmett ] [ Javan ]
[ Maurice ] [ Kat ]
[ Manny ] [ Kris ] [ Isam]
[ Dav-odd ] [ Misha ] [ Jess ]
[ Tony ] [ George ]

Pratt Animation
   pratt faculty

[Faculty Blog]

[ Fran Krause ]
[ Pat Smith ]
[ Lisa Crafts ]
[ Naree Song ]
[ Andy London ]

Media Arts
   Lab forum

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007


Keyframe layout design by Steph. Coded by Jen. Concept and domain secured by Lee. Powered by Blogger.

   click them

All My Heroes Have Day-Jobs
Badge 80x15
Cartoon Brew
Animation Meat
John K
Seward Street
Animate Clay
Stephen Silver
Channel Frederator

Friday, September 30, 2005

Cheese! We'll go somewhere where there's cheese!

I talked to student activities today and there's plenty of discount tickets availible, unlike when we saw "Corpse Bride." Hazzah. So anyone who wants to see "Wallace & Gromit" on Friday October 7th has to go to Student Activities next to the Pratt Chapel and purchase themselves a discount ticket for a Regal theater (NOT Loews!!!) I think they're only $7 or $7.50. I don't know the exact time we'll be seeing it yet, but it will probably be around 11 pm at the Court Street theater in Brooklyn. We just need to get there a little early to make sure we get tickets (or rather exchange the generic ones we'll have specifically for W&G tickets.) I've never done this whole discount ticket thing, so if I have it wrong let me know. As soon as they release the showtimes (probably Tuesday) I'll post it along with when we'll be meeting. Everyone up for walking there? I've done it several times and it's not a bad walk at all, plus we'll save even more money!! Just post here if you're planning on coming! Wee.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

A Cracking Good Time

Who's up for seeing the Wallace & Gromit movie as a big geeky animation mob???!!! It comes out on Friday October 7th, which is pretty soon actually, yikes. Hopefully we can secure discount tickets through student activities this time. If people are interested I'll look into it within the next few days.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Animation Table

Hey Guys, My Dad is a woodworker and he is willing to sell a portable animation table that he designed and builds. Here are some pictures from his shop of the animation table including the animation disc:

contact me if you are interested, Tony and Nate Already bought one. The price is $150. Let me know and you can come over and look at mine to see if you like it.


( Katie )

( Lee )

I had a great drawing day at the central park zoo with Lee.. check out my polar bears.

Some of you might already have seen this awesome animated music video for Of Montreal - Wraith Pinned to the Mist and Other Games, but it's so adorably morbid, how can you not click it.

Doodle Bug

--> DOODLE BUG <-- is the cutest thing ever! You doodle and there's contests and stuff, though they give you just one pen tool and a certain amount of ink. It's very minimal, which is part of the challenge. Check it out! Squee. XD

This is an example of what you can do with a certain amount of ink and a minimalistic pen tool! (Not that I can do something like this. XD):

doodle bug

I go pee now, because I have to pee.

Check this out

Below is a link to a really awesome film. Michel Gagné has just posted a free, hi-quality Quicktime version of his cult classic animated short PRELUDE TO EDEN (1995). The film is a tour de force of EFX animation and dynamic staging and layout. According to the production details posted on his site, it took Michel over four years to complete this film. Check it out.



Tuesday, September 27, 2005


I posted some photos to LJ, not because I'm a snob (or maybe I am) but because there are 36 of'em and some video clips.

Woohoo! Random video clips: walking.avi, bus1.avi, bus2.avi, bus3.avi.

more pics kiddies!

Hey guys, I finally got all my pictures uploaded on photobucket. Here's the link:


Great blog page so far too, guys! I'm diggin it. And just as a reminder...I emailed all you Ottawa guys about reciepts for the pass and bus ticket. Remember to take your pass reciept to Hank and bring your bus ones to me so I can get that taken care of.

And on a later note, there will be our next Key-Frame meeting on October 8th (location tba), since I'm sure we all need a good weekend to catch up on work (I know I definitally do).


WORMS! ;_;


There were no worms in Ottawa. But I went to throw out the trash today (still in my PJs), and I SAW A WORM. A BIG FAT, WRIGGLING ONE. I cried. Well, I was close. Worms scare me...even if I know they won't bite my head off. They're just so...wriggly.


On a different note. If you have a website, and it's not on the side of the blog, comment to this post with your website link, and I'll add that shiznit on. :)

Monday, September 26, 2005

Post-festival blues

Yay I comicked. Nny told me to.

Bus Ride Masterpiece.

bus ride masterpeice

a group effort.


Hey guys, check out the winners! Did your favorite win?



I just Finished uploading my photos so enjoy the glory that is Ottawa!



This is a new blog created for Key-Frame: Pratt Animation Club. I just got back from Ottawa with the club and it was so awesome!


Here are the rest of the pics!
